Illustrator Contract

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Illustrator Contract

_______________________ (hereafter "Illustrator") and _______________________ (hereafter "Publisher"), hereby agree to the following regarding illustrations (hereafter "The Illustrations") to be published in ___________________ (hereafter "the Work"), a book of approximately __________ :

The Illustrator hereby verifies and attests that they are the sole creator of the Illustrations used in the Work, that no other parties have any interests, rights, or claims to the Illustrations, and that they have the ability to grant the rights to the Illustrations to the Publisher.

The Illustrator verifies and attests that the Illustrations are completely original, previously unpublished, and not part of the public domain. They further verify that no part is libelous, plagiarized, or in violation of rights of privacy of other parties. Any copyrighted images used in the manuscript have been approved in writing by the copyright holder before the submission of the manuscript to the Publisher.

The Illustrator shall indemnify and hold harmless the Publisher and all if its agents, officers, directors, and employees harmless from any claims, suits, demands, prosecutions, or proceedings that are made on the grounds that the Illustrations violate the privacy of other parties or are libelous, plagiarized, or unlawful in any manner. The Publisher shall not be held responsible for any damages, costs, or expenses from such proceedings.

The Illustrator will be required to provide between and Illustrations. At least will be full-page illustrations, while no more than will be half-page illustrations. All Illustrations must be .

The Publisher will provide the Illustrator with the manuscript from the Author no later than . The will decide what the illustrations will depict. The will decide where the illustrations are placed in the Work and on the page.

The Illustrator provide the cover art. The Illustrator design the cover.

The Illustrator will provide a preliminary sample of at least sample illustrations no more than days after receiving the manuscript for the Publisher's approval. The Publisher will have days to approve or request changes. The Illustrator will then have days to provide the full Illustrations requested.

The Illustrator grants the Publisher the right to publish the Illustrations under the following conditions:

  • The Publisher shall have the exclusive rights to print, publish, and sell the illustrations as long as they are part of the Work.
  • The Publisher shall have the exclusive rights to license other sellers, publishers, distributors, book clubs, marketers, and media to print, publish, sell, distribute, or promote the Work.
  • The Publisher shall have the exclusive rights to license selections of the Work to outside parties; to license complete, condensed, or adapted versions of the Work; to reprint the Work; and to grant copyright permission for selected use.
  • The Publisher shall have the right to use the Illustrator's personality and likeness in promoting and selling the Work.
  • The Publisher shall have the right to use the Illustrations, including the cover art, separately from the Work for promotional and advertisement purposes for the Work.

The Publisher shall apply for copyright protections on behalf of the Illustrator and renew such applications as necessary.

The Publisher agrees to publish the Work in a reasonable amount of time. If the Work has not been printed, published, and distributed within of the Illustrations' submission, all rights revert back to the Illustrator.

The Illustrator shall receive a fee of upon starting the project and upon completion. The Publisher shall pay the Illustrator an advance against future royalties of payable upon the following schedule: .

The Publisher shall pay the Illustrator of all sales made of the first copies sold, of all sales made of the next copies sold, and of all copies sold after that. The Illustrator shall receive complimentary copies of the Work and be permitted to purchase copies at a discount in perpetuity. The will pay the shipping costs for these copies.

The Publisher agrees to promote, publicize, and advertise the Work in the following ways: .

The Illustrator use the Illustrations in their portfolio and on their website for self-promotion purposes.

The Publisher agrees not to sell the Work below the industry standard of .

In witness to their agreement to the terms of this contract, the parties affix their signatures below:

Illustrator, signature & date

Publisher, signature & date

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