11 Review and Approve Invoices

After entering invoices, you can verify their accuracy before posting them to the general ledger. Complete the following tasks:

Invoice Journal Review displays and updates information in the following tables:

11.2 Reviewing Invoices

You can review different levels of information before posting invoices. You can:

11.2.1 Reviewing a List of Invoice Batches

When you review invoices for posting, you can display a list of batches based on your user ID, a posting status, or a specific date range. For example, you might want to review all batches with a posting status of pending.

To review a list of invoice batches

On Invoice Journal Review

Figure 11-1 Invoice Journal Review (Batches) screen

Display all batches for all users, or complete any of the following fields to limit the information displayed:

Field Explanation
User ID The IBM-defined user profile.
Batch Number A number that identifies a group of transactions that are processed and balanced as a unit. When you add a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let the system assign it through Next Numbers. When you change, locate, or delete a batch, you must specify the batch number. The system closes the batch when you return to the menu.
Batch Date From The date of the batch. If you leave this field blank, the system date is used.
Batch Date Thru The ending date of the range for the batches you want to display. If you specify a From date and leave the Thru date blank, the system displays all batches with that batch date and future batch dates.
Batch Status A code that indicates the posting status of a batch. Valid codes are:

blank – Unposted batches that are pending approval or have a status of approved.

A – Approved for posting. The batch has no errors, is in balance, but has not yet been posted.

D – Posted. The batch posted successfully.

E – Error. The batch is in error. You must correct the batch before it can post.

P – Posting. The system is posting the batch to the general ledger. The batch is unavailable until the posting process is complete. If errors occur during the post, the batch status is changed to E (error).

U – In use. The batch is temporarily unavailable because someone is working with it.

These valid codes are set up in user defined codes (system 98, type IC).

11.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Unlisted batches If the batch review security feature is activated, the system might not list all batches that have been entered. Instead, the system lists only the batches that you are authorized to review and approve.
Batch totals If you use batch control, the system shows the differences between what you expect to enter and what you actually enter. These differences are shown for both the input total and the number of documents.

If you do not use batch control, the system subtracts your actual entries from zero, resulting in negative amounts in the fields that display the differences.

If you enter transactions of different currencies into the same batch, the system does not adjust for the decimal notations of the different currencies. Instead, you get a hash total. For this reason, many users prefer to enter transactions with each different currency in separate batches.

To determine the expected input total for a batch with currencies that have different decimal places, add the amounts without using a decimal point.

Example: Multi-Currency Batch Totals

You enter invoices for 10,535.00 USD and 16,433,500 JPY (Japanese Yen) in the same batch. The system disregards the decimal point in the USD amount and calculates a hash total. The total amount entered is 17,487,000 (1053500 plus 16433500).

The system displays decimals in the input totals based on the setting in the data dictionary item AICU. Using the same figures:

11.2.3 Reviewing and Revising Detailed Invoice Information

After you review a list of batches, you can access transaction detail within a specific batch of invoices. For example, you can review the number of invoices within a batch and the gross amount total. You can also select a specific invoice for review.

You can also change various information on an unposted invoice and its associated G/L distribution information. You cannot change the following fields:

To review and revise detailed invoice information

On Invoice Journal Review

  1. Display the appropriate list of batches.
  2. Choose a batch for detailed batch review and press Enter.

Field Explanation
Balanced - Journal Entries A code that indicates whether the journal entries (JEs) for a document are in balance. Valid codes are:

Y – Yes, JEs are in balance

N – No, at least one of the JEs is not in balance

After you correct an out-of-balance situation, the N code remains until you run the daily system integrity check.

On the Invoice Entry Journal Review screen in service billing, the field indicates if the accounts receivable entry displayed balances out of the account ledger entry.

A blank in this field is the same as a Y value, indicating the entries are in balance.

11.2.4 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Amount differences If you use batch control, the input totals and total number of documents appear as hash totals on Invoice Journal Review.
Batch amounts The gross amount of the invoice appears on Invoice Entry Journal Review even if part of the invoice has been paid. The batch total includes credit memos.
Foreign currency amounts Batch amounts are not currency sensitive. For flexibility in data entry, you can enter any number of currencies in the same batch. The debit amounts of the entries are added to obtain the batch amount entered. You can enter unlike currencies.
Reviewing foreign currency invoices You can review the original currency of each invoice and the domestic currency of the company to which it was entered.
Entering additional invoices into a batch You can enter additional invoices into a batch by choosing the last blank line on Invoice Entry Journal Review. The system adds the invoice to the batch when you complete the information on Accounts Receivable Entry.
Revising a posted batch If you revise a transaction a posted batch, the system automatically changes the batch status from posted to the default entry status, pending or approved. You must post the batch again. The post only processes the changed transaction.

11.3 Approving a Batch of Invoices

After you enter and review a batch of invoices, you might need to approve it prior to posting. This depends on whether your company requires management approval before posting a batch. Based on your company requirements, the system assigns either a pending or an approved status to the batch.

11.3.1 Before You Begin

To approve a batch for posting

On Invoice Journal Review

  1. Choose the appropriate batch.
  2. Complete the following field:
Field Explanation
Approved A code that indicates whether a batch is ready for posting. Valid codes are:

A – Approved, ready for posting.

P – Pending approval. The batch will not post.

If the system constants do not specify manager approval, the system automatically approves batches that are not in error.

11.3.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Preventing a batch from posting To temporarily prevent a batch from posting, change its status from approved to pending.