H.R. 1000 (106 th ): Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century

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The text of the bill below is as of Mar 16, 2000 (Passed Congress).

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One Hundred Sixth Congress

United States of America


Begun and held at the City of Washington on Monday,

the twenty-fourth day of January, two thousand

To amend title 49, United States Code, to reauthorize programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) SHORT TITLE- This Act may be cited as the ‘Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century’.

(b) TABLE OF CONTENTS- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. Amendments to title 49, United States Code.

Sec. 3. Applicability.

Sec. 4. Definitions.


Subtitle A--Funding

Sec. 101. Airport improvement program.

Sec. 102. Airway facilities improvement program.

Sec. 103. FAA operations.

Sec. 104. AIP formula changes.

Sec. 105. Passenger facility fees.

Sec. 106. Funding for aviation programs.

Sec. 107. Adjustment to AIP program funding.

Sec. 108. Reprogramming notification requirement.

Subtitle B--Airport Development

Sec. 121. Runway incursion prevention devices and emergency call boxes.

Sec. 122. Windshear detection equipment and adjustable lighting extensions.

Sec. 123. Pavement maintenance.

Sec. 124. Enhanced vision technologies.

Sec. 125. Public notice before waiver with respect to land.

Sec. 126. Matching share.

Sec. 127. Letters of intent.

Sec. 128. Grants from small airport fund.

Sec. 129. Discretionary use of unused apportionments.

Sec. 130. Designating current and former military airports.

Sec. 131. Contract tower cost-sharing.

Sec. 132. Innovative use of airport grant funds.

Sec. 133. Inherently low-emission airport vehicle pilot program.

Sec. 134. Airport security program.

Sec. 135. Technical amendments.

Sec. 136. Conveyances of airport property for public airports.

Sec. 137. Intermodal connections.

Sec. 138. State block grant program.

Sec. 139. Design-build contracting.

Subtitle C--Miscellaneous

Sec. 151. Treatment of certain facilities as airport-related projects.

Sec. 152. Terminal development costs.

Sec. 153. Continuation of ILS inventory program.

Sec. 154. Aircraft noise primarily caused by military aircraft.

Sec. 155. Competition plans.

Sec. 156. Alaska rural aviation improvement.

Sec. 157. Use of recycled materials.

Sec. 158. Construction of runways.

Sec. 159. Notice of grants.

Sec. 160. Airfield pavement conditions.

Sec. 161. Report on efforts to implement capacity enhancements.

Sec. 162. Prioritization of discretionary projects.

Sec. 163. Continuation of reports.


Subtitle A--Small Communities

Sec. 201. Policy for air service to rural areas.

Sec. 202. Waiver of local contribution.

Sec. 203. Improved air carrier service to airports not receiving sufficient service.

Sec. 204. Preservation of essential air service at single carrier dominated hub airports.

Sec. 205. Determination of distance from hub airport.

Sec. 206. Report on essential air service.

Sec. 207. Marketing practices.

Sec. 208. Definition of eligible place.

Sec. 209. Maintaining the integrity of the essential air service program.

Sec. 210. Regional jet service for small communities.

Subtitle B--Airline Customer Service

Sec. 221. Consumer notification of E-ticket expiration dates.

Sec. 222. Increased penalty for violation of aviation consumer protection laws.

Sec. 223. Funding of enforcement of airline consumer protections.

Sec. 224. Airline customer service reports.

Sec. 225. Increased financial responsibility for lost baggage.

Sec. 226. Comptroller General investigation.

Sec. 227. Airline service quality performance reports.

Sec. 228. National Commission To Ensure Consumer Information and Choice in the Airline Industry.

Subtitle C--Competition

Sec. 231. Changes in, and phase-out of, slot rules.


Sec. 301. Air traffic control system defined.

Sec. 302. Air traffic control oversight.

Sec. 303. Chief Operating Officer.

Sec. 304. Pilot program to permit cost-sharing of air traffic modernization projects.

Sec. 305. Clarification of regulatory approval process.

Sec. 306. Failure to meet rulemaking deadline.

Sec. 307. FAA personnel and acquisition management systems.

Sec. 308. Right to contest adverse personnel actions.

Sec. 309. Independent study of FAA costs and allocations.

Sec. 310. Environmental review of airport improvement projects.

Sec. 311. Cost allocation system.

Sec. 312. Report on modernization of oceanic ATC system.


Sec. 401. Responsibilities of National Transportation Safety Board.

Sec. 402. Air carrier plans.

Sec. 403. Foreign air carrier plans.

Sec. 404. Death on the high seas.


Sec. 501. Airplane emergency locators.

Sec. 502. Cargo collision avoidance systems deadlines.

Sec. 503. Landfills interfering with air commerce.

Sec. 504. Life-limited aircraft parts.

Sec. 505. Counterfeit aircraft parts.

Sec. 506. Prevention of frauds involving aircraft or space vehicle parts in interstate or foreign air commerce.

Sec. 507. Transporting of hazardous material.

Sec. 508. Employment investigations and restrictions.

Sec. 509. Criminal penalty for pilots operating in air transportation without an airman’s certificate.

Sec. 510. Flight operations quality assurance rules.

Sec. 511. Penalties for unruly passengers.

Sec. 512. Deputizing of State and local law enforcement officers.

Sec. 513. Air transportation oversight system.

Sec. 514. Runway safety areas.

Sec. 515. Precision approach path indicators.

Sec. 516. Aircraft dispatchers.

Sec. 517. Improved training for airframe and powerplant mechanics.

Sec. 518. Small airport certification.

Sec. 519. Protection of employees providing air safety information.

Sec. 520. Occupational injuries of airport workers.


Sec. 601. Transfer of functions, powers, and duties.

Sec. 602. Transfer of office, personnel and funds.

Sec. 603. Amendment of title 49, United States Code.

Sec. 604. Savings provision.

Sec. 605. National ocean survey.

Sec. 606. Sale and distribution of nautical and aeronautical products by NOAA.

Sec. 607. Procurement of private enterprise mapping, charting, and geographic information systems.


Sec. 701. Duties and powers of Administrator.

Sec. 702. Public aircraft.

Sec. 703. Prohibition on release of offeror proposals.

Sec. 704. FAA evaluation of long-term capital leasing.

Sec. 705. Severable services contracts for periods crossing fiscal years.

Sec. 706. Prohibitions on discrimination.

Sec. 707. Discrimination against handicapped individuals.

Sec. 708. Prohibitions against smoking on scheduled flights.

Sec. 709. Joint venture agreement.

Sec. 710. Reports by carriers on incidents involving animals during air transport.

Sec. 711. Extension of war risk insurance program.

Sec. 712. General facilities and personnel authority.

Sec. 713. Human factors program.

Sec. 714. Implementation of Article 83 bis of the Chicago Convention.

Sec. 715. Public availability of airmen records.

Sec. 716. Review process for emergency orders.

Sec. 717. Government and industry consortia.

Sec. 718. Passenger manifest.

Sec. 719. Cost recovery for foreign aviation services.

Sec. 720. Technical corrections to civil penalty provisions.

Sec. 721. Waiver under Airport Noise and Capacity Act.

Sec. 722. Land use compliance report.

Sec. 723. Charter airlines.

Sec. 724. Credit for emergency services provided.

Sec. 725. Passenger cabin air quality.

Sec. 726. Standards for aircraft and aircraft engines to reduce noise levels.

Sec. 727. Taos Pueblo and Blue Lakes Wilderness Area demonstration project.

Sec. 728. Automated surface observation system stations.

Sec. 729. Aircraft situational display data.

Sec. 730. Elimination of backlog of equal employment opportunity complaints.

Sec. 731. Grant of easement, Los Angeles, California.

Sec. 732. Regulation of Alaska guide pilots.

Sec. 733. National Transportation Data Center of Excellence.

Sec. 734. Aircraft repair and maintenance advisory panel.

Sec. 735. Operations of air taxi industry.

Sec. 736. National airspace redesign.

Sec. 737. Compliance with requirements.

Sec. 738. FAA consideration of certain State proposals.

Sec. 739. Cincinnati-Municipal Blue Ash Airport.

Sec. 740. Authority to sell aircraft and aircraft parts for use in responding to oil spills.

Sec. 741. Discriminatory practices by computer reservations systems outside the United States.

Sec. 742. Specialty metals consortium.

Sec. 743. Alkali silica reactivity distress.

Sec. 744. Rolling stock equipment.

Sec. 745. General Accounting Office airport noise study.

Sec. 746. Noise study of Sky Harbor Airport, Phoenix, Arizona.

Sec. 747. Nonmilitary helicopter noise.

Sec. 748. Newport News, Virginia.

Sec. 749. Authority to waive terms of deed of conveyance, Yavapai County, Arizona.

Sec. 750. Authority to waive terms of deed of conveyance, Pinal County, Arizona.

Sec. 751. Conveyance of airport property to an institution of higher education in Oklahoma.

Sec. 752. Former airfield lands, Grant Parish, Louisiana.

Sec. 753. Raleigh County, West Virginia, Memorial Airport.

Sec. 754. Iditarod area school district.

Sec. 755. Alternative power sources for flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders.

Sec. 756. Terminal automated radar display and information system.

Sec. 757. Streamlining seat and restraint system certification process and dynamic testing requirements.

Sec. 758. Expressing the sense of the Senate concerning air traffic over northern Delaware.

Sec. 759. Post Free Flight Phase I activities.

Sec. 760. Sense of the Congress regarding protecting the frequency spectrum used for aviation communication.

Sec. 761. Land exchanges, Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska.

Sec. 762. Bilateral relationship.


Sec. 801. Short title.

Sec. 802. Findings.

Sec. 803. Air tour management plans for national parks.

Sec. 804. Quiet aircraft technology for Grand Canyon.

Sec. 805. Advisory group.

Sec. 806. Prohibition of commercial air tour operations over the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Sec. 807. Reports.

Sec. 808. Methodologies used to assess air tour noise.

Sec. 809. Alaska exemption.


Sec. 901. Authorization of appropriations.

Sec. 902. Integrated national aviation research plan.

Sec. 903. Internet availability of information.

Sec. 904. Research on nonstructural aircraft systems.

Sec. 905. Research program to improve airfield pavements.

Sec. 906. Evaluation of research funding techniques.


Sec. 1001. Extension of expenditure authority.


Except as otherwise specifically provided, whenever in this Act an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision of law, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of title 49, United States Code.


Except as otherwise specifically provided, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall apply only to fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1999.


Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the following definitions apply:

(1) ADMINISTRATOR- The term ‘Administrator’ means the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

(2) SECRETARY- The term ‘Secretary’ means the Secretary of Transportation.



(a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- Section 48103 is amended by striking ‘shall be’ the last place it appears and all that follows and inserting the following: ‘shall be--

Such sums shall remain available until expended.’.

(b) OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY- Section 47104(c) is amended by striking ‘After’ and all that follows through ‘1999,’ and inserting ‘After September 30, 2003,’.

(c) REIMBURSEMENT- Upon enactment of this Act, amounts for administration funded by the appropriation for ‘Federal Aviation Administration, Operations’, pursuant to the third proviso under the heading ‘Grants-in-Aid for Airports (Liquidation of Contract Authorization) (Airport and Airway Trust Fund)’ in the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000, may be reimbursed from funds limited under such heading.


(a) GENERAL AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATIONS- Section 48101(a) is amended by striking paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) and inserting the following:

(b) UNIVERSAL ACCESS SYSTEMS- Section 48101 is amended by adding at the end the following:

‘(d) UNIVERSAL ACCESS SYSTEMS- Of the amounts appropriated under subsection (a) for fiscal year 2001, $8,000,000 may be used for the voluntary purchase and installation of universal access systems.’.

(c) ALASKA NATIONAL AIR SPACE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM- Section 48101 is further amended by adding at the end the following:

‘(e) ALASKA NATIONAL AIR SPACE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM- Of the amounts appropriated under subsection (a) for fiscal year 2001, $7,200,000 may be used by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration for the Alaska National Air Space Interfacility Communications System if the Administrator issues a report supporting the use of such funds for the System.’.

(d) AUTOMATED SURFACE OBSERVATION SYSTEM/AUTOMATED WEATHER OBSERVING SYSTEM UPGRADE- Section 48101 is further amended by adding at the end the following:

‘(f) AUTOMATED SURFACE OBSERVATION SYSTEM/AUTOMATED WEATHER OBSERVING SYSTEM UPGRADE- Of the amounts appropriated under subsection (a) for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2000, such sums as may be necessary for the implementation and use of upgrades to the current automated surface observation system/automated weather observing system, if the upgrade is successfully demonstrated.’.

(e) LIFE-CYCLE COST ESTIMATES- Section 48101 is further amended by adding at the end the following:

‘(g) LIFE-CYCLE COST ESTIMATES- The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall establish life-cycle cost estimates for any air traffic control modernization project the total life-cycle costs of which equal or exceed $50,000,000.’.


(a) IN GENERAL- Section 106(k) is amended to read as follows: